Symbiotic Progression

Our Dreccian Cosmology rejects the materialist theory of Darwinian Evolution as being primitive and grotesquely crude. As esoteric Taoists say – “Heaven, Nature, and Man are three aspects of the same essence. To know one, is to understand the other.” Or as a wise Greek once put it – “Man, Know Thyself.” This is to say that if we desire to understand Nature, and we have a hard time understanding it via directly observing it; we have but to study our own Selves to gain an understanding of Nature and the Cosmos.

If my own body were an ecosystem, I would not be able to survive past my own fetal stage if every cell in my body were in some kind of Darwinian struggle to evolve where it’s every cell for itself. My liver cells would each morph into filter feeders, and my mammary gland cells would morph into milk oozing sponges, and my neurons would evolve into electrical slugs.

Its “urbanhomocentric” for some Englishman who was born and conditioned in a dog eat dog urban environment, and who thought maggots came from dead meat to one day walk into a Malagasy ecosystem he is alien to and see a finch’s beak shaped like the flowers they feed from and say – “Well shit! It’s just like Down Town London, every creature for himself, survival of the fittest!”

If such were the case – the ecosystem operating on Darwinian Evolution theory – then it wouldn’t even be called a freaking “System” in the first place which denotes an “integral cooperative machine which works as a whole.” It’s like a symphony in which every instrument player is individualistically trying to out perform and make louder noises than their competing neighbor. It’s not how a symphony works. It’s not how the universe works either.

It is erroneous too believe that Life exists in the state of self-competition; no more than the ecosystem of my own body exists in a state of self-competition. There is only one single Living Cosmos. The idea that this single Living Cosmos is divided with itself into warring and competing factions is not only counter-progressive and counter-productive; but it’s also magian. We do not exist in a universe split between a good capitalist God and an evil communist Devil who are constantly fighting for supremacy where they vicarious do battle with each other by making lesser evolved creatures fight and struggle. This isn’t a Cold War Universe.

Atoms don’t try to compete with each other, or struggle to evolve on an individual level. It isn’t like hydrogen atoms try to be individual things who aspire to one day be something else thru evolution. Unicellular organisms which first lived in the young earth’s oceans did not remain segregated in a state of competition. Ancient humans did not remain segregated as individualizes competing and killing every other human around them. Not even nation-states remains segregated as an individual in some state of Darwinian struggle constantly warring with every state around it for supremacy.

What happened? Atoms came together to form coherent structures giving birth to something new. Unicellular organisms came together and organized into coherent structures giving rise to a major leap forward for life. Ancient humans came together to form coherent structures called city-states. Nations-states came together to form coherent organizations called Federations such as the USA, EU, Association of South East Asian Nations, or the African Union. Coherency is the very fundamental Ethos (habit/custom) of the Cosmos.

While Darwin and his Homo Hubris Materialist Goons have this old world English weltanschauung of nature in which things are out to compete and struggle for supremacy, kill, compete, subjugate, and exploits. Nature seems to be doing the total opposite. In fact the more you observe Nature, the more symbiotic and industrial is shows itself to be. We don’t mean factories and manufacturing plants when we say “industrial.” We mean to say that like a bee hive is an industrial cooperative superorganism, so too is Nature industrial.

There are flowers that give sweet nectar to bees. Forests that providing monkeys with sweet fleshy fruits. Aphids pooing sugar for ants. The sun giving plants free energy. It rains on every plant whether they’re good nutritious plants or bad poisonous ones. Bacteria that put nutrients into dirt to help the trees grow? Fungus and worms that clean up and recycle dead biomass. It’s almost as if Nature actually cares for its parts and pieces?

Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that Natural Life is a symbiotic system which is based on an acausal network of an exchange of information of the morphic resonance fields of three basic components of Natural Life – 1. A species; 2. the Ecosystem as a whole; and 3. the Environment.

By Environment we mean to say the ground, the rocks, the mountains, the air, or the nonliving matter that an ecosystem causally exists within. Thus, an environment’s morphic resonance field would be the sum of all morphic fields which every rock and nonliving molecule has collected into a unified field. The morphic resonance field of an Ecosystem would be the sum total of all the morphic fields of every species of living matter present which makes up the Ecosystem. The morphic resonance field of a Species being the sum of every causal organism’s memory field of a given species.

To give an example of how these three “super fields” work and interacts with each other to give rise to causal life, lets first use something on human terms we can all understand. Let’s pretend that I moved to the Jew side of New York City and I had established a restaurant that makes only Jew food (whatever that is), named “Jew Kitchen.” I put a list of things I make in Jew Kitchen on the widow. My restaurant is an environment. The City is the ecosystem. The Jews are a species. What did I – as an environment – do when I put up the menu on my window? I broadcasted that I made food only Jews could eat out into the ecosystem, which gradually attracts the right kind of people to my Jew Kitchen – Jews.

Thus, for instance, you have a specific environment such as a hot vent of boiling toxic fluid on a primordial earth. This specific environment’s morphic resonance field “broadcasts” out to the Cosmos what kind of condition is has. The Cosmos responds by placing the morphic field of a species it knows can survive in such harsh conditions – extermophiles, and an ecosystem of causal organisms begins to develop. Either Nature does this, or we must assume that nature is stupid and will try to evolve a monkey in that toxic pond.

How does mitochondria “know” to only live in cells as a symbiotic organism rather than live on its own, it has its own DNA. Should we assume that it took a billion years for fungus and algae to accidentally symbiotically live with each other to form lichen? Like most animals, we have a host of beneficial bacteria than live in our intestines. How is it that such bacteria know how and where to find our intestines? Should we assume that arctic bunnies took a billion years to learn to grow thick white coasts during arctic winters, or is there a subtle connection between the rabbits and their environment?

Symbiotic Progression goes deeper than just this communication between an ecosystem’s parts on an acausal or ‘psychic’ level. It posits that species of an environment will co-evolve together. Such that a species of flower which is dependent on a species of birds to pollinate it will co-evolve to accommodate or compliment each other – the shape of a flower matching the beak of a finch for example. The number of a species’ individual organisms to accommodate the appetite of a carnivorous species is another example. This even affects a species’ mode of replication. A Species which is often eaten in large numbers will lay large numbers of eggs. Trees that depend on animal species to spread its seeds far will surround its seeds with sweet flesh.

Thus, if we alter any given natural environment we ultimately change that environment’s morphic field. Or if we remove a species from an ecosystem we wyrdfully affect the entire integrated numinous system as a whole, resulting in catastrophic results. All one must do is genuinely study the affects of centuries of mining and deforestation on the African continent to see the causal results of interfering with such a fine tuned and symbiotic system. Even the act of developing land in a given area to build a metropolis, eventually results in the extinction of many species which will wyrdfully deteriorate in time.

Those of us who are free of magian thinking are barely beginning to understand that the whole earth herself is just one vast symbiotic system, inside which we are a dependent part of. It is understandable from this perspective, why Nature seems to be so increasingly violent as time passes; why her climate seems to change for the worst. It is because of so many centuries of magian, and Hubris world view in which Nature is seen as dead, spiritless, and a thing to be exploited.

Causal and Acausal Life

How did causal organisms first come into being though? The materialist theory of Homo Hubris states that the first organism miraculously came into being one hot day on primordial earth in a pond somewhere when lighting struck the pond and turned methane gas into a stew of special things that then became some kind of early bacterial pond scum. Which is to say that to them Life came from basically nothing. This materialist theory is just magian creationism, minus the god factor; they just substituted the mysterious and miraculous powers of lightning and gas for God.

This Dreccian Cosmology posits that Life must come from Life – that only Life begets Life. Therefore, causal life must have come from a pre-existing form of life. This pre-existing form of life, in our Dreccian Cosmology is Acausal in origin. We already know as Dreccians that Life Force is an aspect of the Acausal which itself is filled with different species of acausal life forms – some more evolved then others. How though, would something acausal, which is not material affect matter to build itself a causal shell?

Since we don’t have any acausal beings to study, we can observe something else which can barely materially affect matter with any kind of force, but yet is the most successful causal species on earth – brains.

A brain by itself is just a blob. It’s mostly water and if you were to drop it, it would splatter on the ground. Brains have no muscles or bones, or any means to exert force onto its environment… or do they? Perhaps not kinetic force.

A brain is itself an industrial hive of single celled neurons. A neuron is basically nothing more than a bag of water, with some potassium, and some sodium. When that sodium is introduced into the water in its tendrils, an electric current is produced. The potassium helps that current flow a bit longer. That’s all a neuron basically does – manipulate electrons – which is one of the smallest particles of matter. Thus a brain specializes in manipulating and using electrons. From this ability to manipulate and use electrons, the brain is able to control its body, and thru that bodily shell, it had constructed cities, and taken itself to the moon.

If the ability to manipulate the smallest of atomic particles can over time causally manifest all of that; what if an acausal organism – which is made up of energy in the first place – also had the same ability. Such an acausal organism would not even require the psychic ability to move electrons; just a change of its own charge of its energy “body.”

When we say “acausal organism” we don’t mean the more higher evolved acausal beings known in the ONA sometimes as the Dark Ones. The idea that such highly evolve acausal beings desiring to be primitive causal life forms, is like us staring at the ocean and wishing we were jellyfish. We mean basic rudimentary acausal life forms that mindlessly found their way into the primal causal realm long ago.

As we stated in part one of our Dreccian Cosmology, suns were most likely the first causal things to populate the causal realm, as they burst into being along plasma filaments. We can hypothesize that acausal organisms need to either metabolize or absorb energy to “stay alive.” You’re asking why this is so if they are made of energy in the first place? Why do you have to eat causal life forms if you are made of causal life stuff yourself?

Because motion requires continual force/energy to continue that motion or the motion stops. As we stated earlier energy comes in two forms – static energy and energy in motion. For an entity made of energy/acausal essence to remain differentiated from the infinite static sea of energy/acausal essence it exists in, it must remain in motion. Like a whirlpool in an ocean is only differentiated from the oceanic matrix it exists within and is made of only if it remains in motion. By “motion” here we don’t mean like a shark must keep swimming or it dies. We mean that the acausal essence must continually Flow to and thru any living organism for it to be “alive.”

Everything in causal nature works according to the same basic principle. If a river stops flowing, it builds up toxins and dies. DNA or genetic material must constantly Flow within the human species as a whole, or it will go extinct. Information or knowledge must Flow between minds, or it is dead (useless). Life Force in the form of herbivorous and carnivorous consumption and renewal of such living matter must continually Flow in a given ecosystem, or the ecosystem will die.

Even in the human corporate arena we see this same essential principle of Flow. Cash must continuously within any given economy Flow freely or that economy will die. The idea that a living organism is a closed bag of Life Force and that is all it needs to exist is like the idea that a bank in a city can just sustain itself by keeping its money locked up inside a vault somewhere. It does not work like that. That bank’s money must Flow, or the bank will deteriorate and die as a business. There is no difference between a dead battery and a live (one still filled with juice) battery that just sits there, unless the electrons Flows. Get it? If you get it, you will understand why the Cosmos must come in two different parts – Acausal and Causal and not just one. Why?

Just as an atmosphere comes with a hot part and a cold part which gives rise to a convection that causes the air to Flow… just as a river comes with a up hill part and a down hill part to give rise to motion. Just as bodies of water on the surface and clouds in the sky are two different aspects of the Flow of water/rain. If the Cosmos were just acausal energy, that energy would be static – it has no Flow. Thus there is a cycle of energy as that energy flows thru nexions into the Causal Realm, in turn the Casual manifests energy which feeds or Flows into the Acausal; which motion or Flow gives rise to what we might call the Life of the Cosmic Being. In a way, the Flow of Acausal Energy and Life Force can be likened to the circulatory system of the Cosmos. What happens to you if your blood stops Flowing?

As we were saying – suns were perhaps the first causal things in the causal universe. Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that suns not only give off light, but also – because the energy that feeds them originates from the acausal – essential Life Force. Such that causal organisms like plants and animals not only requires sun light, but the life force that comes from it.

A simple experiment can be conducted to validate this theorem. Take three potted plants of the same species. Place on outside in the sun, and two inside two separate dark placed devoid of sunlight. Take some copper wiring with out insulation and around one of the plants inside the dark make a spiral cage around the plant, making such the copper and plant are in contact. Extend the other end of that wire outside into the sun, forming a spiral disk with the other end and watch. Make sure to water all three plants regularly. Only one of the three plants will die. Of course, being deprived of sunlight, one of the two living plants will not be so healthy.

Like moths attracted to lights or a flame, we can hypothesize that the suns that first populated the causal universe attracted a horde of primitive acausal organisms, which fed off of that life force. It is from these acausal organisms that the first causal life forms would come from later.

Symbiosis later comes into play as suns exploded and as other forms of matter coagulated giving rise to crystals. Unlike normal matter, a crystal’s coherent atomic structure allows for more energy to Flow thru it. Many crystals do hold energy inside it, like quartz. If you take two quartz crystals into a dark room and run them together, they will release their stored energy in the form of light, heat, and the smell of burned hair. Other crystals release their energy in the form of vibrations, some species of these crystals release a vibration that can even be felt with your hands.

Other crystals release their energy in the form of photons. I’ll give two examples. Marco Polo wrote about a tribe of people in China who dug for crystals that shone with a light, with which they used to light their walk ways at night. I wouldn’t believe everything Marco Polo says though. The other crystals that emits photons is DNA. DNA is actually a crystalline structure. In a lightless room scientists have learned that DNA do in fact emit photons which can be picked up by instruments and measured. It was discovered that lower kinds of life forms like cabbage emits more photons than the DNA of a human or dog. They don’t know why, but we can hypothesize that the DNA of a higher “evolved” organism absorbs more light for various reasons.

The symbiosis comes into play when such primitive acausal life forms attached themselves to crystals to feed off of them, and perhaps the acausal life forms in turn draw in more causal material to grow the crystals bigger. Thus this Dreccian Cosmology posits that the first causal life forms came from such a symbiotic relationship between an acausal entity and the crystalline structures they attached themselves to, which over causal time became the relationship of DNA (the crystalline structure) and its energy source – the living morphic field of a causal organism.

“Gerald F. Joyce admits that when he saw the results of the experiment, he was tempted to halt further work and publish the result immediately. After years of trying, he and his student Tracey Lincoln had finally found a couple of short but powerful RNA sequences that when mixed together along with a slurry of simpler RNA building blocks will double in number again and again, expanding 10-fold in a few hours and continuing to replicate as long as they have space and raw material.” – Evolution in a Bottle, April 30th, Scientific American Magazine

Given enough time and space; along with the influence of the electric and magnetic fields in space; carbon atoms will eventually mix with other kinds of atoms to form what are known as organic compounds. As stated earlier, to each causal form, is an acausal form. Thus we can assume that each newly arising organic compound has its own morphic memory field, which contains the basic information of what types of atoms is used and where they go. Such that the morphic field of such compounds will replicate in areas of similar conditions, thus proliferating each “species” of compounds. In the same way that a crystal grows by somehow attracting the correct types of atoms in the right places; so that every known species of crystal has a specific atomic make-up, structure, and causal shape and form, unique to its species.

The most basic components of RNA/DNA are amino acids, which are essentially made of organic compounds. What’s unique about amino acids is that they are crystals, and like quartz, amino acids are piezoelectric, which means that when force or pressure is applied it releases measurable amounts of energy. Like crystals, most amino acids crystallize – as racemic mixtures bond to each other. A racemic mixture is basically a mixture of chiral molecules. Chiral molecules are asymmetric carbon atom – meaning that that carbon atom is attached to four other atoms forming an asymmetrical atomic structure – which is a simple organic compound.

We already know that amino acids and organic molecules can be found in space. In fact, several years ago scientists found a huge cloud of alcohol in space the size of a small planetary nebula. Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that it is in space, and not on planets, that the building blocks of life came together simply because of the size of space, the temperature, the electrical and magnetic fields, and the abundant supply of material in the form of clouds of atomic elements and compounds. This Dreccian Cosmology also theorizes that morphic fields of any size, have the ability to replicate themselves. In this case the morphic field is the living acausal “organism” associated with the organic molecules, which would be its bodies. Such that, once an amino acid has crystallized, its morphic field with “bud” off giving rise to a duplicate of itself, which will then attract itself the appropriate atoms to construct a causal crystalline structure.

Once RNA comes into the picture, it becomes a matter of symbiotic progression between the environment, the acausal entity of the RNA or species of RNA, and Willed self betterment/change over time. Such that if the environment were to change with the introduction of a newly formed planet, thru intentional metamorphosis, those morphic fields which had learned to surround its causal structures (RNA/DNA) with crystalline shells (thus making viruses) or enveloping itself inside a lipid-like membrane, thus giving rise to a proto-cell. Lipid-like molecules have a distinct property – an ability to undergo spontaneous aggregation to form droplets, micelles, bilayers and vesicles within an aqueous phase, through entropy-driven hydrophobic interactions.

As the new additions are added, the atoms that composes such new layers or additions imprints their essence onto the memory field of the acausal entity attached to such a primitive causal life form, and such memory imprint will manifest in additions of amino acid chains utilized to manufacture proteins to re create such membranes and or additions. Thus the RNA/DNA evolves and grows along with the growth and evolution of the morphic entity and its causal form. Our Dreccian Cosmology posits here that a causal organism’s shape and form is not determined by DNA but by its morphic memory field. The DNA only contains coded information to engineer proteins, enzymes, and or attract symbiotic organisms inside the creature such as mitochondria and beneficial bacteria to help regulate and run the organic system on a cellular level.

Intentional Morphic Evolution

I’m not sure how to explain what we mean by “Intentional Morphic Evolution.” It is not Darwinian evolution, or Creationism. Explaining it in terms of a business would be best, since I am familiar with my grandpa’s business, who was a partner of Chloe’s grandpa.

We first start off with an idea for a product my grandpa and his partners had – polyurethane wood, or fake wood made from mostly polyurethane. For a period of about 3 to 4 years the small manufacturing plant my gramps and his friends got was in its Research and Development stage. This is the stage of lots of trial and lots error (and loss of money too). Without a viable product, nobody would be interested in investing their money into gramp’s business. Thus the idea of replicating their business was next to zero unless a miracle happened.

Once the product was successfully “perfected” the business took on a life of its own, where the product itself attracted the right people to invest who were interested. One thing lead to another and several years later licenses were given out and stuff and plants began to crop up in other cities making the same product. I was there to see one of these replica plants organize itself into a functioning plant. Unlike my gramp’s original plant, these replica plants never had to go thru a research and development stage, nor did they ever go thru a stage of trial and error. It seemed as though the plants Intentionally organized to specifically become a certain species of plant that manufactured a specific product. What happened?

What happened was that the businesses “memory field” which contained the information of the chemical formulas, and needed equipment, and such had already been established by a first/original plant. After that original plant had proven successful in its specific field, it was just a matter of duplicating what works, thus saving trial and error and time.

Intentional Morphic Evolution first states that – What works will be duplicated. If a new fish species develops fins and it can swim faster and eat more food and make more babies, fish everywhere in a similar environment is going to intentionally – by Nature – have fins. If four legs works on a new species of causal creatures in a certain environment; causal creatures everywhere in similar environments will have four legs.

The second theorem of Intentional Morphic Evolution states that – If a particular ecosystem works, it will be duplicated. If a desert ecosystem works in sub-Sahara Africa, a similar eco system will be duplicated in similar deserts around the world. If a jungle ecosystem works in one tropical environment, all jungles similar to that jungle will be similar. When we say “duplicate” we don’t mean cloning exact replicas, no more than the offspring (replica/duplicate) of an animal is a clone of its parents. It must be kept in mind that no two environments are exactly identical, and such differences affects gene selection, producing slight variations in an ecosystem’s species.

Thus we come to the third theorem of Intentional Morphic Evolution – Symbiotic Progression is intentional. For instance, if in the Jungles of primeval India the Panther was the top predator of his domain; the ecosystem of primeval Amazonia will not only duplicate that Jungle, but the entire Amazonian ecosystem – that is each of its species – will intentionally progress each species to a specific niche or to a specific point, such that a big cat is intentionally evolved in that environment to be the top predator as well. Thus, once a big cat had reached its intended position in the duplicate ecosystem, all evolution of that duplicate ecosystem’s individual species stops.

This leads to certain implications. Is our earth an original world or a duplicate world? Meaning that is the earth’s environment unique and original among the countless livings worlds that have ever existed in the causal history of our causal universe; or was there ever another planet which had the same environment and planetary conditions? What does it imply?

It implies that if there ever had existed an earth like planet at one point in the causal universe’s space-time history; then the earth’s life forms, from the beginning of causal life’s first appearance here 3.5 Billion years ago, Intentionally Morphically Evolved to produce humankind, and once that target species has reached its duplicate stage of evolution all other life forms on earth stop evolving; thus duplicating a more ancient environment of a more ancient world or worlds. How does this happen?

On an acausal level, it happened from the morphic field of the earth itself attracting a specific number of morphic species. On a physical level it happened on the level of DNA. DNA comes from DNA. The earth’s primordial environment was too hostile for DNA molecules to just form out of a soup of random molecules. The first known causal organisms to have colonized this earth 3.5 billion years ago were already complex cellular organisms and functioning algae.

As we stated earlier, space is the first place where the building blocks of causal life organized. Thus our Dreccian Cosmology posits that the earth was seeded via panspermia from outside. We’re not saying that the earth is intelligent and chose which genetic seeds to grow. It’s a matter of the environment rejecting certain causal organisms to take “root” and causing others that fall into it to thrive. We have all inherited the genetic seeds (DNA) of the first biotic life on earth, and this seed (DNA) along with its memory field contains all the information for the gradual metamorphosis of life, which eventuall produced us.

It is the environment that acts on gene selection which turns genes on and off. Thus the DNA of the first biotic life forms on earth (bacteria); having been exposed to the earth’s early environment; was intentionally altered by the environment to produce the next generation of life forms. Thus via symbiotic progression between the environment, the first species that populated primal earth, began to manifest a duplicate ecosystem gradually over the course of billions of years. Such that a cycle is created in which the altered DNA produced certain organisms which acted on the environment like introducing oxygen and other needed resources to sustain more complex organisms. In turn such changes in the environment acts on the DNA of newer generations of organisms, turning certain genes on and off. The cycle is repeated over during the billions of years to gradually reach an intended end such that each successive species becomes more complex, thus duplicating complex species of life that had once lived long ago before.

Just as an orange seed and its memory field chronomorphically or five dimensionally contains the information to produce forests of orange trees; DNA and its memory field contains all the information needed to produce via the tree of causal life and the gradual metamorphosis of all life, which has taken root on this planet.

The environment acts on genes, the altered genes act on the environment, and the altered enironment acts on gene selection giving rise to a controlled and intentional step by step progression of life toward increasingly complex and intelligent organisms, that have proven causally and morphically successful in other worlds. Thus this Dreccian Cosmology rejects the Darwinian notion of random and aimless evolution for intentional evolution or intentional metamorphosis.

The genes of a successive species do not evolve randomly; they were inherited from ancestral species whose environment specifically turned on or off certain areas of their genes. These new species in turn over causal time affects and alters their environment in specific ways, which acts on gene selection. The genetic coding of the DNA of all causal organisms uses the same universal coding language, as HTML is to the billions of different websites. Genes can be basically divided into – regulatory genes called Introns, and protein coated genes called Exons. Introns contain genes within genes, which give birth to regulatory genes that interact with the environment turning protein coated genes – Exons – on or off. Introns regulate and control gene expression, specifies which region of the coding and how much of it should be expressed. Thus, even without considering the more esoteric nature of Nature and Life, the progressive interaction with the environment and genes (introns and exons) alone progressively metamorphoses causal life towards an intentional end.

Contrary to Darwinist theory, genes do not randomly evolve by constant ramdom miraculous additions of amino acid to DNA; neither does a new species arise from random mutations or miraculous new additions to protein coated exons. In fact, the rise of new species did not coincide with the evolution of new protein coated genes, but alterations in regulatory genes which turn gene sequences on and off. A mutation is just that – a genetic mutation which usually arises from a random change in the DNA coding. This is detrimental to causal life as it represents a degeneration in the genetic coding, usually resulting in physical defects which randomly happens. Even today we cannot consider genetic defects to be steps in evolution. A genetically or physically defected organism has in fact little chances of survival, and will not likely reproduce. It is only in our modern age of medical technology and magian ethics that defected and degenerate humans survive and sometimes breed, passing those mutations and defects down. This can hardly be considered evolution.

We humans, according to this Dreccian Cosmology are not products of accidental chemical interactions. This is not to say that we were created by a god. Life is a natural Ethos (habit/custom) of the Cosmos. It is by Nature’s Intent that we exist, but only so after an original period of billions of years research and development on some ancestral planet long ago in some other part of the universe. The complexity of DNA attests the simple fact that it could not have randomly evolved from dead matter crashing into each other in a pond. As complex as we are, about 90% of our human genome remains silent (R. Joseph, 2002) suggesting that we have not reached our full expressible potential.

Solar Chains and Acausal Technology

Believe it or not, one of my favorite old tv shows is Star Trek The Next Generation. There’s just something about the idea of living in a space colony exploring different planets that’s I find alluring. I have the kind of personality though where I have to question the possibility of every concept I see because I often like to day dream about living in such a future setting and I always want my day dreams to be as close to reality as possible. These investigations then become deep meditations and thought experiments. So the more I look it concepts used by Star Trek, the more sad and disappointing – and limited – my future in my day dream universe becomes.

I’ll never be able to actually teleport myself anywhere, because even if we had the technology to replicate flesh, my duplicate body inside the other teleportation booth will be dead, because I know I am not a product of such causal chemistry. It’s like teleporting the car but forgetting the driver inside. Warp drive is wack because space is not curved, its just everywhere and infinite. So that leaves colonizing star systems in a life time out of the question. So I began to play around with the idea of building a generation ship like the Enterprise to carry seed cultures of humans to seed other star systems. Would that be possible? Then I remembered chickens!

I was curious once where the chickens I eat came from, so I did some research. They come from chicken farms… in door chicken farms. After reading around I learned that most of these chickens never live past the juvenile years, not because they get cut up for food, but because they all get sick and most die; so they are cut up before they die. I saw turkeys raised their whole lives generation after generation in doors and they also look unhealthy and many die.

I asked myself is being deprived of sunlight affected biological organisms, like us and cause genetic deterioration? It took a few look ups, but there is mounting evidence that artificial lighting and florescent lights – which is relied upon heavily in developed countries causes skin cancer… and only in one life time. Lack of sunlight also stops the brain from making certain hormones like melatonin which is needed for such things as mental health. You just follow the demographics of cancer on a map, and slowly you realize that most cases happen in the developed cities of industrialized nations. That is populated by a mass of people who have literally shunned sunlight. They clothe themselves 24/7. They remain in their house or work office most of the hours the day; and the only light they get is artificial electric light. You never hear of cases of some average African of Asian person who is still working out their in the sun, and not exposed to artificial lights for long periods of time dying of cancer and cancer cases are rare in rural areas of developed nations. As if the further we remove ourselves out of Nature and the less in tune we are to its ways, the sicker we become.

Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that unless we actualize David Myatt’s concept of Acausal Science and Organic Technology – as he explains in The Numinous Way – we are stuck on this earth as a species. For even if we had the materialist technology to construct a big sardine can in space with air and farms, we would all grow sick and our generations would increasingly degenerate genetically over time because such a monstrosity of a habitat cuts us off from the natural flow of the sun’s life force.

Also, according to this Dreccian Cosmology, a contraption such as an interstellar generation ship or a Deep Space 9 habitat far from a heliosphere is mass suicide. As it has been explained earlier, even the first primitive acausal organisms relied on the energy of the sun. So although artificial light and heat will keep plants and lower life forms alive, higher forms of animals such as livestock and humans will be deprived of vital energy Flow for their acausal entities to sustain their causal bodies.

Thus this Dreccian Cosmology posits that contact and interaction between two materialistic extraterrestrial civilizations is not possible on two counts – 1. That the electrical and magnetic fields that exists in space would dissipate and destroy any radio signals; and 2. That if they left their heliosphere in sardine cans and giant terrariums, no matter how materialistically advanced they were, they would all die before getting here.

This concept that materialistic science and technology has limits, implies to us Dreccians that materialism – that is the apprehension of or interpretation of the Cosmos in materialistic ways, such that the universe is believed to be a dead and lifeless accident; and what science and technologies may arise from such materialist world views of the Cosmos is not the ultimate achievable state of science, technology, and civilization. That there is more or something greater to strive for which is more acausal, more spiritual, more at-one with the finer aspect of creation. Such that to greatly evolved and ancient acausal beings as our Dark Ones, our modern materialistic technology and science is primitive and destructive to our own selves and the rest of the earth even.

This is not to say that colonizing space is impossible. There is more than one source of life force since the whole acausal is Life Force. It is a matter of learning how such acausal forces work, and how to draw such forces down, so that enough life force can bathe our bodies and the bodies of livestock. Until then, we are earth bound, and will die with it, if we continue to exploit it to death. It seems that we humans were meant to live numinously at-one with Nature and the Cosmos, and not ignorantly and arrogantly against it.

Star Gates and Nexions

That the sun emits not only light but a form of life force, makes it a star gate or nexion of energy of sorts in our Dreccian Cosmology. The life force that comes from the sun seems to be a weak manifestation of acausal Life Force, if clothing, and the walls of buildings deflects its. We would hypothesize that such a weak species of life force must be bound to each photon the sun emits and is absorbed by the skin of causal organisms which maintains cellular health.

Besides the sun, there are other types of star gates or nexions that releases different kinds of acausal energy. The ONA often speaks about one such species of nexions which open in certain areas after the regular Presencing of the Dark which is said to bring down “Acausal Energy.” To prevent confusion between this Acausal Energy and acausal Life Force, we will from here on refer to this Acausal Energy as “Acausal Numen” due to a lack of a better term. What is the difference between acausal Life Force, and Acausal Numen?

The difference is based on what life is and the purpose of Life. Once a life form is alive with life force, there must be a reason why it is alive. The reason being coherency. Which is to say that the Cosmos ultimately is striving for more life and symbiotic coherency of all its parts, and the Acausal Numen is the force which sustains, maintains, and evolves such coherency or organization of beings. I’ll give an example on a more human level.

Disneyland – It’s a theme park, and in this theme park are different rides. Two types of forces gives life to this theme parks rides. The first is electricity. It is electricity which give life to each ride’s components. Once the causal rides are alive and functioning, it needs to perform its causal purpose – entertaining people by giving them rides. These people can be likened to acausal entities who are attracted to certain causal rides. These people will stand in line and pay money to ride the ride. That “money” is Acausal Numen. It is with money – cash flow – that the organizers or owners of each ride maintains and Evolves their rides to make it better – thus attracting more customers, which in turn expands the ride.

What happened if a ride in this themes park is deprived of that Acausal Numen? The people go elsewhere to a better ride, and the old ride dies out. Thus in our human history we see the rise and fall of human civilization – which is the coherency of human life forms in causal expression. A civilization which is imbued with a vital flow of acausal numen grows, attracts more people, and thrives. In the same way that bacteria will thrive in the right conditions; and how bacteria will die out if the conditions are wrong. It is thru that thriving effect that life is multiplies – thus increasing the number of intelligent beings “uploading” their intelligence to the Cosmos, which also strengthens the “acausal circulation” of the Cosmos. When a civilization is deprived of this acausal numen, it withers, and usually it takes its people with it.

This is not to say that the abstract Nation-State is numinous. A Nation-State is a political regime which uses an abstract idea of a “state” to assert itself onto nature and people which repels acausal numen. A “civilization” as our Dreccian Cosmology uses the word denotes a natural industrial cooperative super tribe of a group of people who have come together for mutual aid and mutual reliance in which each part pools their energy and effort toward common goals. It is very easy to confuse the two, because the two often overlaps.

If we study the rise and fall of civilization we can see that our thoughts, beliefs, actions; and interactions with Nature over time effects civilization by either attractive or repelling acausal numen to a given civilization. We can quickly observe Europe in increments of roughly 500 years or so to see such affects.

We can begin at 1AD when the Roman Civilization was pagan, which is a way of life more naturall and friendly with Nature. Such pagan traditions had vibrant life embracing rites and festivals which helped draw in the flow of acausal numen to “feed” the Roman Civilization. From that flow this civilization evolved and grow bigger, but eventually fell soon after Christianity was made the empire’s religion.

We can see that in the same area of the world, with the same people a new kind of civilization arose and coalesced, one which may be called the Catholic Civilization with its magian ethos. This civilization never really achieved much and as its assertive power grew, more acausal numen was repelled. Eventually this civilization gave birth to that period in tine commonly known as the “Dark Ages.”

If we take these two civilizations we will see that one coherent ordering of humans had achieved so much influence on the human collective that even today we still use its letters to write, and their architectural science still influences our modern cities, while the other civilization has left no mark on anyone at all. We can see that one civilization actually helped humanity evolve and progress forwards; while the other actually did the entire opposite for humanity. This is then the power and essence of acausal numen – the collective evolution of humanity via a tool we call “civilization.”

The deprivation of acausal numen and death of whole civilization and lands due to such acausal starvation may seem negative from a localized perspective, but it is ultimately positive on a collective human level. For example the death of Africa which is now a reality that needs no validation. It is as if the entire continent has been cut of from the flow of acausal numen. Its forests are nearly depleted, its deserts are growing bigger, its water contaminated, its soil can barely sustain crops, its people are being mass murdered by a natural assault of diseases. Its nation-states quickly spiral into genocidal regimes. It may seem destructive, but such drastic acts forces a portion of humanity which is not able or willing to change to disperse into other civilizations which will take them forward. Thus even the deprivation of acausal numen on a civilization and people has productive consequences.

Thus a civilization which has become destructive – usually ones that have become host to the parasitic organism of a nation-state over time repels acausal numen and the lack of that acausal numen will not only deteriorate its people but the environment surrounding it also. A civilization imbued with acausal numen will numinously evolve forward and will take its people forward also, changing its people into new kinds of peoples.

Our Dreccian Cosmology posits that acausal numen can be brought down by groups of people who know how to open nexions, thus filling a destructive civilization with acausal numen, which will disrupt it and cause a new kind of civilization to replace it. Such that it becomes a responsibility and an endeavour for us Dreccians to destroy such destructive civilizations, to Presence the Dark, open nexions, to bring down acausal numen to manifest a new and better species of civilization, if humanity as a whole is too continue to progress and evolve to its highest potential. Which causal potential we have not even come close to knowing, since 90% of our genes still remain silent. We must keep in mind that although Nature has brought us this far, to materialize us on this earth, the rest of our evolution rests in our own hands, and is a conscious and willed effort.

Life and Death

A cosmology is not complete without presenting a perspective on life and death. Causal life will end in causal death but death is nothing because our Dreccian Cosmology states that life begets life, and so causal life began from acausal life. Thus, we have our true Nature in the acausal and this causal realm is only a temporary playground.

Causal life was here before humans, thus, life is beyond all and any human assertion or human valuation. That is to say that Life is neither “good” or “evil,” “sinful,” or a form of punishment. Life just is. It is only in our attempt to understanding, do we project thing we as humans are familiar with onto life, or that we reduce life into these boxes of religious ideas and notions. Life existed before humans, therefore, Life is beyond any and all human religion. How we interpret life, and how religion interprets life is not what life is in its natural essence. The Tao that can be “taoed” is not the true Tao. The Life that can be understood by an ape with a three pounded brain is not the true Life. If we must break eternity down into pieces like days, weeks, years, hours to understand Time, and we must reduce Infinity into bite sized pieces like light years, miles, and inches to understand, then what he know and how we interpret life are also simplifications. Just as we cannot assume that an hour truly represents eternity, or a mile is what infinity is, our interpretations of life is not what Life is.

Our Dreccian Cosmology states that the whole causal universe is teaming with life. Populated with living worlds, acausal organisms, physical organisms, and not so physical organisms. That Life is a natural habit and custom of the Cosmos. That causal life for is a choice we made. It is neither a beginning or and end. It is just a mode of existence we are experiencing.

Causal life is a natural consequence of the interaction of acausal energy mingling with certain causal structures and does not need the concept of a “God” no more than the natural process and cycle of rain needs a God. It is only in our ignorance of such processes that we make our rain gods to make sense of what we do not understand. Only when we learn the details of the process – that bodies of water and the moisture in leaves evaporate and collect in the atmosphere as clouds, which rains down as drops of water – that we realize the process in godless, natural, and is just a product of an environmental condition. So too then is Life a natural process of the environmental conditions of acausal and causal and Geist acting upon such basic elements of life.

Thus in our Dreccian Cosmology Life for each of us is virtually eternal. Although causal flesh deteriorates and decays, we know we do not have our true nature in such matter. It is an illusion of so many years of consciousness that we assume the world of stone and flesh is all there is. Because it is the nature of consciousness to focus on one thing and phases everything else out. What was a tool of Geist becomes a prison of ignorance, such that Geist is lost in a maze of flesh and stone. Having become lost in such and delusion, and drifting deeper into the delusion that urban reality is the only reality, such beings hinders the progression and evolution of the Cosmos, if they are not awakened from their sleep of stone. Causal death to such Geists in most cases is the only way to awaken them from their sleep. Sometimes, no amount of wisdom and words can awaken a materialist Homo Hubris, and the only chose left is to cull. If wisdom does not enlighten… the blade of a knife will suffice and do the same.

Our Deccian Cosmology states that death is only the Geist withdrawing its focus on a given causal modality of existence to return to its original Nature. In the same way that we drift into the realm of dreams by phasing out of the waking word; such that what we know of as death is much like tuning your radio station to a different frequency. Thus we really go nowhere when we die, in the same sense that we actually do not go anywhere when we go into and leave the realm of dreams. It is a literal phasing in and out of one mode of existence to another.

What becomes of us after that phasing is a mystery, but it is Mystery, such as the mystery of the Cosmos and what it all means, that ever drives us to strive to discover, and in that quest to know and understand that great Mystery, we gradually come closer to apprehending the Living Cosmos which we all are beneath our shapes and forms.

Kayla 352

Order of Nine Angles

120 yf

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